Temperatura [ C° ]
Rosišče [ C° ]
Vlažnost [ % ]
Veter [ km/h ]
Dež danes [ mm ]
Tlak [ hPa ]
Požarna ogroženost [Chandler Burning Index]
[] Vreme, Strele, Kamera, [] Vreme, Strele, [] Vreme, Kamera, [] Vreme
Karta prikazuje lokacije amaterskih vremenskih postaj, ki so pridružene v regijske vremenske mreže.
Oznake s številkami prikazujejo število postaj v grozdu - kliknite na oznako za prikaz postaj. S klikom na oznako, se vam prikaže opisno okno, ki prikazuje funkcije postaje, povezavo do domače strani postaje, članstvo v regijski vremenski mreži in trenutne vremenske podatke s postaje (kjer so na voljo).
Global mesonet-map script by
Regijske mreže
Pridružene regijske vremenske mreže
1089 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of 2024-10-09 20:06:05 UTC
- Africa
- Namibia Weather Network 26 Stations in Namibia
- Canada
- Canadian Atlantic Weather Network 6 Stations in E-QC,NB,NS,PE,NL
- Ontario Weather Network 5 Stations in ON,W-QC
- Quebec Weather Network 3 Stations in E-ON,QC,NB,NS
- Saskatchewan Weather Network 1 Stations in SK
- Western Canada Weather Network 6 Stations in BC,AL
- Europe
- Austria Weather Network 19 Stations in Austria
- Benelux Weather Network 92 Stations in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- Czech Republic Weather Weather Network 7 Stations in Czech Republic
- European Weather Network 375 Stations in Europe
- Germany Weather Network 35 Stations in Germany
- Hellas Meteo Network 85 Stations in Greece
- Iberian Peninsula Weather Network 30 Stations in Spain, Portugal, Andorra
- Ireland Weather Network 26 Stations in Ireland
- Portugal Weather Network 49 Stations in Portugal
- Slovenska vremenska mreža 21 Stations in Slovenia
- United Kingdom Weather Network 60 Stations in England, Wales, Scotland, N.I.
- Pacific
- Australian Weather Network 23 Stations in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
- New Zealand Local Weather Network 46 Stations in North Island, South Island
- Alaskan Weather Network 5 Stations in AK
- Mid-Atlantic Weather Network 26 Stations in PA, NJ, WV, VA, DE, MD, DC
- Mid-South Weather Network 18 Stations in TX, OK, AR, LA
- Midwestern Weather Network 56 Stations in MN, WI, MI, IA, IL, IN, OH, MO, KY
- North American Weather Network USA: National
- Northeastern Weather Network 42 Stations in PA, NJ, NY,CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, ME
- Northwest Weather Network 22 Stations in WA, OR, ID, MT
- Plains Weather Network 10 Stations in OK, KS, ND, NE, SD
- Rocky Mountain Weather Network 16 Stations in WY, CO, NM
- Southeastern Weather Network 23 Stations in TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL
- Southwestern Weather Network 25 Stations in AZ, CA, HI, NV, UT
Podatki na karti iz Pridruženih regijskih mrež on skripte
V primeru da ste lastnik-ca/skrbnik-ca amaterske vremenske postaje, lahko prek vaše regijske mreže izpolnete prijavnico in se nam pridružite.
Regional Networks created by along with the Global Afilliated Regional Networks hub site at [About]